
Printer Settings For Sublimation Paper

We often get asked what are the recommended printer settings when using Ink Experts dye sublimation papers. Below is our recommendation for the different sublimation paper types we supply;

  • ‘Style LITE’ 100gsm
  • ‘Style’ 120gsm
  • ‘Fabric HR’ 100gsm
  • ‘Versa’ 115gsm

Click on the paper name below to view the specific printer settings.

'Style LITE' Sublimation Paper

Style LITE Sublimation Paper

Epson Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Epson Matte
Quality: High / best
Mirror Image: Ticked

Ricoh Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Glossy Paper
Quality: Quality Priority
Mirror Image: If Applicable*

What side to print on?
This paper is packaged with the printable side face up underneath the front cover sheet. The printable side is bright white with a smooth finish. reverse is cream coloured with a grainy / fibrous texture.

What is the drying time?
This paper is instantly dry and can be used immediately once printed.

How best to store?
Keep any unused paper in its original packaging. store flat in a cool, dark environment such as a desk drawer or cupboard.

What heat press setting?
Heat press temperature and time are determined by the item you are working with. We recommend checking with the blank supplier for the recommended settings.

*If you are using a standard Ricoh print driver mirror image is not available. Artwork can be manually mirrored using your image editing software

'Style' Sublimation Paper

Style Sublimation Paper

Epson Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Epson Matte
Quality: High / best
Mirror Image: Ticked

Ricoh Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Glossy Paper
Quality: Quality Priority
Mirror Image: If Applicable*

What side to print on?
This paper is packaged with the printable side face up underneath the front cover sheet. The printable side is bright white with a smooth finish. reverse is cream coloured with a grainy / fibrous texture.

What is the drying time?
This paper is instantly dry and can be used immediately once printed.

How best to store?
Keep any unused paper in its original packaging. store flat in a cool, dark environment such as a desk drawer or cupboard.

What heat press setting?
Heat press temperature and time are determined by the item you are working with. We recommend checking with the blank supplier for the recommended settings.

*If you are using a standard Ricoh print driver mirror image is not available. Artwork can be manually mirrored using your image editing software

'Fabric HR' Sublimation Paper

Fabric HR Sublimation Paper

Epson Desktop Printer

Paper Type: Plain Paper*
Quality: High / Best
Mirror Image: Ticked

Ricoh Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Inkjet Plain Paper
Quality: Quality Priority
Mirror Image: If Applicable*

What side to print on?
This paper is packaged with the printable side face up underneath the front cover sheet. The printable side is yellow. Reverse is pink.

What is the drying time?
This paper has a high release coating we recommend allowing the paper to dry / cure for 5-10 minutes before heat pressing.

How best to store?
Keep any unused paper in its original packaging. store flat in a cool, dark environment such as a desk drawer or cupboard.

What heat press setting?
Heat press temperature and time are determined by the item you are working with. we recommend checking with the blank supplier for the recommended settings.

*Selecting plain paper on an Epson printer helps to reduce the risk of ‘pin’ or ‘pizza’ wheel marks on the print.
**If you are using a standard Ricoh print driver mirror image is not available. Artwork can be manually mirrored using your image editing software.

Trim every edge of your printed design to ensure the transfer is completely free of any excess ink (often found on the edges of the paper, or from debris where the paper has been guillotined to size at the paper mill)

'Versa' Sublimation Paper

Versa Sublimation Paper

Epson Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Epson Matte
Quality: High / best
Mirror Image: Ticked

Ricoh Desktop Printer
Paper Type: Glossy Paper
Quality: Quality Priority
Mirror Image: If Applicable*

What side to print on?
This paper is packaged with the printable side face up underneath the front cover sheet. The printable side is bright white with a smooth finish. Reverse is watermarked.

What is the drying time?
This paper is quick drying (5-10 seconds) and can be used immediately once printed.

How best to store?
Keep any unused paper in its original packaging. store flat in a cool, dark environment such as a desk drawer or cupboard.

What heat press setting?
Heat press temperature and time are determined by the item you are working with. We recommend checking with the blank supplier for the recommended settings.

*If you are using a standard Ricoh print driver mirror image is not available. Artwork can be manually mirrored using your image editing software

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