
Terms & Conditions

All orders for goods accepted by Ink Experts ltd (“the vendor”) are accepted subject to the following conditions which shall form part and govern the contract of sale. Acceptance of goods shall be deemed to be acceptance of these conditions of sale. Any term sought to be imposed by a purchaser either in a document or otherwise that conflicts with or adds to these conditions is not accepted. No agent or representative of the vendor has authority to vary these conditions unless accepted in writing by a director of Ink Experts ltd, hereinafter referred to as “a director”.

We store the contract’s content and will send you the details of your order as well as our genera terms via e-mail. You can find the terms here at all times. The details about your recent orders can be found in your customer login.

Company Details

UK VAT No. 318416704
Registered in England No. 11867968

Click the tabs below to view specific terms and condition details.

  1. The vendor reserves the right to vary the quoted price for the goods by upward additions in accordance with market conditions at the date of actual supply and the purchaser shall pay such additions in addition to the quoted price. Price Lists do not constitute an offer.
  2. All invoices are due for payment at point of order. Payment is to made in sterling unless otherwise agreed in writing by a director.
  1. The vendor will use its best endeavours to comply with the date named for despatch or delivery which date is given and intended as estimate only and is not to be the essence of the contract. If owing to non-availability of the goods or any other causes beyond the vendor’s control, the vendor shall be unable to effect delivery hereunder it shall be at liberty to determine the contract or part thereof by giving notice in writing to the purchaser.
  1. For so long as any amounts remain owing from the purchaser to the vendor title to the property of the goods shall remain in the vendor and ownership will not pass to the purchaser until the vendor has received payment in full. In the event of the purchaser reselling the goods, if the vendor has not received all amounts owing to it, the purchaser shall account to the vendor for the proceeds of any such sale and meanwhile will hold all proceeds of such sale of such goods upon trust of the vendor until the vendor have received such amounts in full. At any time after the due date for payment from the purchaser to the vendor, and so long as such amounts have not been received by the vendor in full, the vendor, at the purchaser’s expense, shall have the right to enter the purchaser’s premises and remove all goods which remain the property of the vendor.
  1. Whilst the vendor makes every effort to ensure that goods supplied correspond to in every respect with the sample, specification or description provided as the case may be, the vendor is not responsible for the minor variations in specification, in colour or other design features, and no such minor variation shall entitle the purchaser to rescind the contract or shall be the subject of any claim against the vendor by the purchaser. All Images that appear on the website should be used as a guide only. All Images and descriptions remain the property of the vendor and may not be copied without the written permission of the vendor.
  1. Redistribution of goods provided by Ink Experts is not permitted without express permission. The Ink Experts logo and brand is IPO protected under copyright law.
  2. Private resale of used items by customers is not covered under warranty, and the rights for ICC profile use do not transfer.
  3. If goods are being used for a competition or giveaway the item does not come with a warranty or guarantee. Only limited customer support will be offered.
  1. No liability for any claim for damage or non-functionality shall be accepted unless the vendor is notified in writing by the purchaser within seven days of delivery. This period may be extended at the sole discretion of the vendor where the manufacturer’s replacement policy exceeds this deadline.
  2. No liability for any claim for missing items such as manuals, etc. shall be accepted unless the vendor is notified in writing by the purchaser within seven days of delivery.
  3. No liability for any claim will be accepted in the case of goods differing in quantity or descriptions from the particulars given on the delivery note unless the vendor is notified in writing by the purchaser within seven days of delivery and the onus is on the purchaser to prove any shortage.
  4. In the case of active third-party on-site maintenance contracts, the purchaser accepts an obligation to use the services of the contracted third-party to resolve claims under clause 5(a).
  5. In the case of manufacturers who operate direct product support and returns procedures, the purchaser accepts an obligation to process their claim directly through the manufacturer.
  6. No liability for late delivery by the courier will be accepted unless the purchaser has paid a premium for a timed or Saturday delivery. In this case the claim will be made on the purchasers behalf to the respective courier who’s decision will be final.
  1. The purchaser shall, unless otherwise, in writing, be responsible for all carriage, telephone, postal and other incidental charges incurred during the guarantee period.
  2. Where a guarantee includes repair performed on the purchaser’s premises, commonly known as an ‘on-site maintenance’, this shall not apply outside the mainland of Great Britain.
  3. Guarantee and warranty only apply to the original purchaser of goods. Warranty does not extend to a 3rd party, nor does the warranty or guarantee apply to 3rd party sales.
  1. Under Distance Selling Regulations (DSR) customers have the right to ‘cancel’ the order at any time up to 7 working days from receiving the goods. Customers are entitled to a 7 working day ‘cooling off period’ whereby they can return the goods for any reason and receive a full refund. Customers can exercise their right to cancel an order in writing either by post or email, our contact details for cancelling an order by post, email can be found here.
  2. The purchaser shall unless otherwise agreed be responsible for the cost of return carriage of all goods returned by the purchaser to the vendor for service or credit which goods shall be at the risk of the purchaser until actual receipt of the goods by the vendor.
  3. Returned goods are refunded within 30 days.
  1. The extent of the vendor liability to the purchaser for any default or breach whatsoever and howsoever arising shall in no case exceed the invoice value of the goods and the vendor shall in no circumstances whatsoever be liable to the purchaser in respect of any loss or damage whether suffered by the purchaser or any customer of the purchaser and whether direct, indirect, consequential, or however else arising.
  1. If any part of these terms and conditions shall be found to be unlawful it shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the conditions.
  2. This contract is and shall be deemed to have been made in England and shall in all respects be governed by English Law
  1. Ink Experts ltd accept the following methods of payment: Cash Sterling currency tendered in person. Do not send cash through the post or by carrier. Postal/Money Order Only UK Sterling Postal Orders accepted. Please cross the order with the words A/C PAYEE ONLY. Credit/Debit Card We accept Mastercard, Visa, Delta, Meistro, Solo, AMEX and Electron. Written orders should include the cardholder billing address, and the cardholder’s signature. Orders paid by cheque, will not be dispatched until the cheque has cleared, for which up to 14 days should be allowed.

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